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Hi Everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn SaundersCo-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist.

Today’s topic is about when our self-esteem is tied to other people, places, and things outside of ourselves. If we think others like us, we’re okay. If we think they think we’re a good person, we’re okay.

What I want you to do is take your self-esteem away from external sources and put it back into yourself. Learn to accept yourself and not rely on others for your emotional state.

My whole life was about relying on other people. I would do things and go places just to keep my self-esteem intact because I had nothing within myself.

So, learn to identify when other people’s happiness or anger affects you, and bring that power back into yourself. Do the recovery work on your own. I tell you, it is freedom; it is magic! It’s a practice. We need to identify when someone looks at us sideways or doesn’t text us back within five minutes, and we suddenly spiral downwards. “Oh, what have I done? Did I say something?” I tell you, it’s insanity.

Please take your self-esteem that’s tied to other people, places, and things and bring it back to yourself. Do the work on yourself daily. The quality of our day depends on the quality of our morning rituals, and it’s up to us to make that happen.

Another quote people say is, “Don’t give from an empty cup.” I say, give only from the overflow. It’s our job to keep filling up that cup with what we need to hold our own self-esteem and alignment within ourselves. Thank you.

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