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Hi Everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn SaundersCodependency and Addiction Coach Specialist.

Learning from Experience: The Power of Healthy Boundaries

My recent experiences have shown me just how important it is to set and keep healthy boundaries. Let me share a few examples:

  • Setting Limits on Visits: I’ve learned to put a clear time limit on how long visitors can stay. This helps me avoid feeling resentful and puts my own well-being first. Surprisingly, my friends actually appreciate this! They see it as a sign of strength and self-respect.

  • Not Letting Others “Muck You Around”: When someone tries to change plans at the last minute, I stand my ground and refuse to be inconvenienced. Being direct like this has worked out well – people respect it, and some even want to learn to do the same!

  • Sticking to Your Budget: I recently wanted to buy a painting from a friend. It was a bit awkward talking about the price, but I was clear about my budget and didn’t let myself be pressured into spending more. He was actually grateful for my honesty.

The Bottom Line: Setting boundaries is key to staying emotionally healthy and balanced. When you stick to your values and refuse to compromise your well-being, you build stronger, more respectful relationships. People like it when you’re clear and consistent. And when you have good boundaries, you can put your own needs first without feeling guilty or resentful.

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