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Roslyn Saunders is a qualified Sobriety / Sober Coach.

Sobriety Coach – Recover from addiction with Roslyn Saunders. In the context of sobriety coaches also referred to as a Sober Coach, it would seem paradoxical to suggest they are needed in order to not drink alcohol or take drugs – and yet that is exactly what many people require help with. For those who have made the difficult decision to stay sober, finding a sober coach can provide invaluable support throughout the recovery process. This article will explore the role of sobriety coaches, their qualifications and how they might assist individuals on their journey towards lasting abstinence from addiction.

Sobriety coaches are professionals trained in helping recovering addicts reach long-term success by offering specialised guidance and accountability services tailored to each individual’s unique needs as well as providing practical advice for navigating life without drugs or alcohol.


Roslyn Saunders is also known as a SOBER Coach or Sobriety Coach, as well as a Codependency Recovery Coach. Roslyn offers monthly coaching for those seeking sobriety. Book a FREE Call to discuss pricing and the level of support you need. 

Note: Roslyn she uses the word Codependency Coach and Sobriety Coach interchangeably.  Both a Codependency Coach and a Sobriety Coach focus on addiction-related issues and the recovery process. Both types of coaches work with individuals who are struggling with addiction and related mental health issues. In addition, codependency coaching can also be referred to as recovery coaching, because it focuses on helping individuals overcome codependency and related addiction issues. Am I co-dependent? To learn more about Codependency take the Codependency Quiz.

Roslyn works closely with clients to create personalised plans which consider both short and long term goals for achieving sustained sobriety. Additionally, she offers emotional support during this potentially challenging transition period and uses evidence-based practices including Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) to change the underlying patterns/strategies so that the problems don’t reappear in order to equip clients with skills necessary for successful recovery outcomes.

The demand for qualified sobriety coaches has been steadily increasing due to rising levels of substance abuse across all demographics; however, while anyone can call themselves a ‘sobriety coach’ there are specific qualifications that must be met in order to ensure best practice standards are met so clients receive quality care suited to their particular needs. Read on further and find out more about what makes a great sobriety coach, why they may be beneficial and how you can go about finding one yourself if desired.

What Is A Sobriety Coach?

A sobriety coach is a professional who provides support to individuals recovering from substance abuse. They help clients set and achieve goals, build the skills necessary for recovery, work through triggers that may lead to relapse, and develop strategies to maintain abstinence. Sobriety coaches offer personalised guidance tailored to each individual’s unique needs and situation.

Sobriety coaching typically begins with an initial assessment of the client’s history, current life circumstances, and motivations for seeking out sobriety coaching services, as well as identifying elements of their lifestyle that need improvement or adjustment in order to facilitate positive change. In addition to encouraging sober living environments, employment opportunities and educational programs; sobriety coaches also provide accountability throughout the entire process. This includes helping clients track progress towards achieving their goals while offering emotional support when needed. Ultimately, a sobriety coach seeks not only to help people become abstinent but also to address any underlying issues which are contributing factors to addiction so that long-term success can be achieved.

The Benefits Of Working With A Sobriety Coach

A journey to sobriety can be like walking a tightrope; one slip and the individual could find themselves spiralling into old habits. Working with a sobriety coach is like having someone at the other end of the rope, ready to pull them back up if they falter. The benefits of working with a sobriety coach are twofold: an objective perspective and support in managing cravings.

From their experience as well as knowledge gained through training, sobriety coaches provide an impartial view to help individuals identify both positive and negative behaviour patterns that lead to relapse. With this insight, clients develop new coping strategies for dealing with triggers such as stress or boredom which contribute to substance abuse. Additionally, these professionals offer emotional support by providing unconditional acceptance and understanding during challenging times.

By creating plans tailored specifically to the client’s needs and goals, sobriety coaches equip them with practical tools for resisting temptation when facing drug or alcohol-related cues. Furthermore, they work closely alongside clients on strategising ways to manage any immediate cravings without resorting back to old habits. By doing so, clients not only learn how to cope but also build confidence in their own ability to stay sober in the long run.

How To Find And Choose A Sobriety Coach

Searching for a sobriety coach can be an important step in the recovery process. A sobriety coach is someone who provides guidance, support and accountability to help people achieve their goals of long-term sobriety. When searching for a sobriety coach, it is essential to find one that fits with the individual’s needs and lifestyle.

Note: Roslyn Saunders is a SOBER Coach /  Sobriety Coach she offers a free discovery call. You can book a call today using the online contact form.

There are many ways to go about finding and selecting a sobriety coach:

  • Research online: It can be helpful to research different coaches available through websites. Before making contact, make sure to look at reviews from former clients and read up on any credentials listed by the professional.
  • Ask for referrals: In addition to researching online, asking friends and family members who have gone through similar experiences may provide useful information on potential coaches they recommend.
  • Have preliminary conversations: Once you have identified some possible candidates, reach out via email or phone call to learn more about them and discuss your unique situation before committing to working together. This will ensure that both parties feel comfortable moving forward with the coaching relationship.

Choosing a sobriety coach should not be taken lightly; this person will play an integral role in helping individuals stay sober over time. Asking questions, checking references/credentials if needed and taking time when deciding are all key components in finding the right fit for each individual’s journey towards lasting sobriety.

Types Of Services Offered By Sobriety Coaches

The fourth step in finding and selecting a sobriety coach is to understand the types of services they offer. Much like a compass guiding its user, these professionals provide direction and support on an individual’s journey towards recovery. As each person has their own struggles with addiction, there are numerous paths to choose from when seeking help.

Sobriety (Sober) coaches (like Roslyn Saunders) can offer:

  • 24/7 text support and fast call back for an emotion crisis to stop you relapsing. 
  • Structured planning sessions that create achievable goals
  • A non-judgmental listening ear for difficult conversations
  • Activities such as yoga or meditation meant to reduce stress
  • Education about coping strategies for overcoming cravings at times of vulnerability
  • Support during moments when one feels alone or overwhelmed by life circumstances.

Sobriety coaches are like mentors, they aim to reconnect individuals to themselves and their environment, giving them strength and courage to push through hard times, allowing for growth and progress along the way. Through sound advice and useful resources, clients gain insight into how best to approach any given situation related to addiction so as not to be pulled back into old habits but instead move forward towards a healthier lifestyle filled with balance, peace and joy.

How To Prepare For Working With A Sobriety Coach

Working with a sobriety coach can be an incredibly life-changing experience. It is essential to prepare adequately before starting the journey. With proper preparation, one can maximise the effectiveness of working with a sobriety coach and achieve long-term success in their goal of sobriety.

Beginning the process of achieving sobriety requires much effort and dedication from those involved. Before embarking on this endeavour, it is important to take into consideration any potential obstacles that may arise during the duration of working with a sobriety coach. This includes looking at possible triggers or temptations that have been common issues when trying to remain sober in the past.

Additionally, researching who might make for a good fit as far as finding a suitable sobriety coach who will understand your specific needs is also key; by doing so you are able to ensure that there is trust between both parties which facilitates an open dialogue throughout the entire process.Connect with Sobriety Coach Roslyn Saunders and discover if you can work together to achieve your goals.

Being honest and transparent about expectations from each other prior to beginning work together can save time and lead to more meaningful conversations down the road. Ultimately, preparing for working with a sobriety coach means making efforts towards self-reflection and gathering resources needed for creating an actionable plan for lasting recovery. Taking these steps ahead of time helps set up individuals for positive outcomes while going through this difficult yet rewarding transformation.

Setting Goals And Working Towards Sobriety – Staying Sober

The journey to sobriety is often a long and difficult one. It can feel like a labyrinth with no clear path out, but the sober coach’s role is to help navigate it in an efficient and effective way. Establishing goals for success is an integral part of this process; setting realistic objectives that will lead to a successful outcome.

Achieving sobriety requires dedication and commitment from both client and coach. Goals should be set jointly between them, giving the clients motivation through achievable targets along their road to recovery. Working together on these objectives helps facilitate personal growth while providing structure and direction towards sobriety. The client must also remain accountable to themselves as well as their coach so they have the proper guidance necessary for success.

Considering what results you wish to achieve before beginning your work with a sobriety coach allows everyone involved to focus on reaching those outcomes in a timely manner. Whether it’s staying free from drugs or alcohol, learning how to cope with triggers, or developing better communication skills – having clearly defined goals serve as a beacon guiding the entire process forward, illuminating potential solutions in even the darkest moments of struggle and despair.

The Role Of Family And Friends In Sobriety Coaching

Family and friends are an indispensable part of a successful sobriety coaching program. They can provide much-needed emotional support, as well as tangible assistance in accomplishing goals on the path to recovery. In addition, they may serve as role models for individuals who have not had positive experiences with adults or authority figures in their past. However, for many, the family may not be a role model as sobriety issues can run in families.  This is where a friend who has a positive influence can be beneficial.

It is important that family and friends involved in a sobriety coaching program are aware of any issues related to substance use disorder that the individual seeking help may be dealing with. This includes understanding triggers, such as certain people or environments, so that those situations can be avoided when possible. Additionally, it is important for them to respect boundaries set by both the coach and the person seeking help; this encourages accountability while also allowing space for growth and progress towards sobriety.

Ways To Overcome Relapse

Relapse is one of the biggest challenges faced by those in recovery from addiction. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately 39% to 60% of individuals relapse within four years after treatment or brief interventions. A metaphor for this challenge can be found in climbing a mountain: even if you make it to the top and arrive at sobriety, there are still dangers lurking that could cause a fall back down. Sobriety / Sober coaches have an important role in helping clients overcome these risks of relapse. Contact Roslyn Saunders today if you need urgent help. 

One key strategy towards preventing relapse is creating an action plan with contingencies. This involves a sobriety coach teaching clients how to spot their own triggers and warning signs while also developing coping strategies they can use when faced with difficult situations such as cravings or exposure to substances. Behavioural therapy is often used here to help reframe negative thinking patterns associated with substance use and strengthen healthier habits instead. Additionally, involving family and friends in sobriety coaching can provide support networks for the client should they need assistance during times of vulnerability or stress.

Sobriety coaches must remain vigilant and committed throughout their work with clients. It requires understanding each individual’s unique needs and overcoming barriers which may prevent them from achieving lasting sobriety; being available whenever needed is essential during this process so that clients don’t feel isolated or alone, especially during moments when temptation arises or thoughts of giving up become too powerful. Through effective care plans, education, empathy, and guidance, sobriety coaches strive to ensure everyone has the best chance possible of succeeding in their recovery journey. Contact Roslyn Saunders today to help you recover and achieve sobriety.

Managing Stress And Anxiety During Sobriety

Sobriety is a difficult journey that requires careful consideration and dedication in order to be successful. According to the American Addiction Centers, over 40% of Americans have experienced an addiction or substance use disorder during their lifetime. Managing stress and anxiety during sobriety is therefore a critical component for staying on track.

By recognising signs of distress (such as changes in appetite, physical health, or mood) and taking action early, individuals can manage stressors before they become overwhelming. It’s also important to establish healthy coping mechanisms like talking with friends or family members, engaging in hobbies such as gardening, exercise, meditation, yoga etc., which all help bring relief from anxious thoughts. A sobriety coach can provide techniques tailored around each individual’s needs that are based upon evidence-based practices including. Therapies can assist individuals looking to create better ways of managing emotions without using substances or other unhealthy behaviours. In addition, there are many online resources available offering support groups and virtual meetings with counsellors who specialise in helping people work through challenges related to recovery maintenance.

It is essential for those recovering from addiction to develop effective strategies to maintain long-term sobriety and find balance between lifestyle components like relationships, diet/nutrition habits and mental wellness activities. Sobriety coach Roslyn Saunders offers a holistic integrated approach.  Using the right tools and resources anyone struggling with maintaining sobriety has the power within themselves to take control of their lives again by getting into healthier patterns both physically and mentally.

Long-Term Strategies For Maintaining Sobriety

Long-term strategies play a crucial role in maintaining sobriety. Developing and sustaining these techniques is as essential to achieving and keeping sober living as climbing an uphill battle. To remain atop this mountain of recovery, one must have a strong foothold.

Long-term strategies for staying sober are multifaceted and can include things like attending self-help groups, finding mentors, exercising regularly, establishing healthy routines and habits, developing meaningful relationships with friends or family members that support sobriety, getting adequate restful sleep each night, eating nutritious foods, managing stress and anxiety effectively, having access to health care and mental health services when needed.

All of these approaches lend themselves to creating a collaborative community of positive reinforcements that help individuals stay away from relapse triggers.

By taking steps such as engaging in activities that promote better physical/mental well-being or making proactive changes to lifestyle choices that no longer serve them positively; those working towards lasting sobriety can truly reap its rewards by seeing tangible results for their efforts. With continued commitment over time comes greater resilience – leading individuals down the path of sustained abstinence from substance use disorder (SUD).

In conclusion, sobriety coaching provides a valuable service for those struggling with addiction. It is an opportunity to create meaningful and lasting change in one’s life, allowing them to live healthier and happier lives. Sobriety coaches can help break the cycle of addiction by providing support throughout each stage of recovery, from finding sobriety to maintaining it long-term. Through individualised plans that are tailored to the needs of each person (like those offered by Roslyn Saunders),  empathy, guidance, structure, accountability and hope are offered– giving individuals the tools needed to become their best selves.

Utilising sobriety coaching should involve more than just finding a coach; there must be commitment towards achieving goals and remaining sober. With dedication and hard work, anyone can take back control over their life through sobriety coaching. As if climbing a mountain, every step taken closer to success will bring greater rewards as well as satisfaction at reaching the summit – leading a clean and healthy lifestyle free from substance abuse.

Finally, it is important for family members and friends to remember that while sobriety may seem like an insurmountable challenge at times, with perseverance and determination it is possible to reach even seemingly impossible goals when supported by caring professionals such as sobriety coaches. Contact Roslyn Saunders today if you are seeking a sobriety coach.