Hi everyone, welcome. Um, thank you for being in my community. I really appreciate it. Today, what I want to talk about is my job. In a nutshell,
It’s really about getting people to see the deeper layers of truth, releasing the untruths they’re living, and helping them transform into their authentic selves. It’s very scary to get really honest, which is why most of us aren’t. I lived a lot of my life not honestly because the number one reason we won’t get rigorously honest is fear of what we have to let go of.
So, in a nutshell, what I do is see what people are doing and then dig down to their truths. As I work with people, we go to deeper layers of truth. It takes some management as people may fall away, not like you, or attack you because they want to control the situation. My job is about helping people find deeper levels of truth and authenticity, which takes courage and bravery. My role is to hold that space and help people navigate their insecurities and fears as they discover who they truly are and how they want to live. I hope that helps today. Thank you. Roslyn Saunders Codependency Coach