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Hello, everyone. This is Roslyn, your recovery coach and counselor. Today, I’d like to talk about integrating our new behaviors and new ways of living. I’ve experienced three situations in the last 24 hours that illustrate this.

First, I was meeting up with a friend, along with another friend who had come over from New Zealand for a holiday. I had previously communicated that I only host visitors for a maximum of four days, setting clear boundaries for the relationship with my friend and for my own well-being. This is quite different from how I used to operate, where I’d let things build up and lead to resentment. My other friend acknowledged that I’m strong with my boundaries, expressing a desire to be more like that. People appreciate it when you stick to your boundaries because it provides clarity.

Second, I was arranging an appointment with someone, and they had to reschedule due to a doctor’s appointment. I accommodated the new time, and they apologized for potentially inconveniencing me. I assured them that they weren’t causing any inconvenience, and they were relieved to hear that. It’s important to communicate that we don’t allow others to dictate our boundaries.

Lastly, a friend from school in New Zealand, who is a talented painter, offered me a painting. We discussed the price, and I was hesitant. When he shared the prices on his website, he expressed concern about pressuring me or exceeding my budget. I assured him that I won’t allow myself to be pressured or make decisions outside of my values. People feel relieved when we’re firm and solid in our decisions.

To recap, maintaining good, solid boundaries helps eliminate codependency dynamics and ensures that we don’t compromise our emotional well-being. It’s essential to take responsibility for not allowing ourselves to be pushed around or to act against our values. These experiences demonstrate how integrating this work into our lives makes it the new normal way of living. I’m not willing to go against my values or compromise my emotional health, and that’s something I openly share with others.

Thank you for listening, and feel free to reach out for a 20-minute free discovery session or check out my book with more valuable insights. Integrating these practices takes time, but they become our new way of living, and that’s something I’m proud to share. Some may not appreciate it, and that’s okay; I’m committed to staying true to my values and not subordinating myself for anyone or anything. Until next time, thank you very much.