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Hi everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. 

This morning I’d like to talk about how people will say, if they’re in a difficult situation, whether it be personally, professionally, with family, or with friends, that they will stay in that situation and use the excuse or cop out, “I’m sure I’ve got lessons to learn here, so that’s why I’m staying.” Now, of course you could have lessons to learn there, however, what I want to say is that if you choose to remove yourself or make changes in that situation, you will still get your lessons. I can assure you of that.

So when, if you’re saying to yourself that you’re staying in a situation that isn’t good for you, isn’t good for your own growth, isn’t good for your mental, spiritual and emotional health, check what excuses you’re giving yourself. Very often, people will say they feel like it’s the spiritual thing to do. “I’ve got lessons to learn here,” so they stay in situations too long and they use that as a cop out because they think that’s the only place they can learn their lessons. I can assure you, you will still get your lessons if you choose to make changes in those situations. In actual fact, you might get better lessons from doing that.

So do not give yourself the excuse or the cop out, “I’m not doing anything about it because I just know, Ros, I’ve got lessons to learn here.” So please take that on board and check how you’re allowing yourself to give yourself a cop out and also to stop yourself from being courageous and taking steps, with support, always with support. Thank you.