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Good morning, everybody. I hope everyone is doing well out there. Thank you again; it’s a privilege to have you in my community. At the beginning of the year, I was thinking about what I could share, and I thought I’d go through, from the book “Code,” recovering from codependency. It’s always good to have reminders of things.

So, what are some codependent behaviors? Just to remind ourselves, especially as we might have gotten off track over Christmas. Some of the codependent behaviors include staying in relationships in all situations. This includes work situations, any situations on the committee of something— all of these things longer than is healthy for us. When we know inside, on this inside journey, that we’re not feeling good about it, but we don’t have the courage to either pull back from it or to pull out of it. Staying in situations and relationships far longer than we should be. How do we know that? We know that by the way that we feel.

Subordinating to others, giving over your power to the care of other people because we want them to like us, we want them to be our friends, and we don’t want to lose them. So, we subordinate ourselves. Be careful when our self-esteem and how we feel are tied to what other people are doing. We want our self-esteem back into ourselves.

So, there are a couple of tips just to kick the year off. I’ll do another video and keep going down the list, elaborating on these. Thank you. Remember, I do a 15-20 minute chat for a discovery if you’re struggling with these things. If you’ve said, “This year is going to be different,” and we can l ok at the different areas where you want to make sustainable changes in a manageable way, give me a call. And don’t forget my website, Thank you.