Codependency Recovery with Roslyn Saunders
Hi, I’m Roslyn Saunders, a codependency recovery coach on a mission to lead a global movement, raising awareness about the root cause of addiction: codependency.
Throughout the year, emotions and behaviors, like a time bomb, can explode during Christmas and holidays. The slightest trigger can lead to addictive behaviors such as excess consumption of alcohol, drugs, food, or overspending.
These actions may manifest as drama, control, extreme busyness, martyrdom, subordination, and exhaustion.
These addictions are symptomatic of a deeper underlying condition — codependency. Codependency is the lost self, avoided by turning to substances or lifestyle addictions considered normal in society. It’s crucial to address and heal this underlying condition, preventing escalation into arguments, broken promises, dishonesty, despair, and physical sickness, even reaching suicide or murder.
The good news is we can learn to heal, change, and create a new story around the holidays, genuinely enjoying celebrations. My book, Recovery from Codependency, available on Amazon, offers practical help during difficult times. Connect with me on Facebook (Roslyn Saunders – Addiction Recovery Coach) or through my website,, for valuable information and support. Watch videos on my YouTube channel discussing skills and strategies.
Remember, I provide a one-off paid emotional hotline for immediate support. Thank you for valuing your emotional sobriety.