Codependency Blog
The Codependency Blog. Articles to help you understand Codependency. Codependency is a term increasingly used in psychology and mental health circles to describe an emotional and behavioural condition that affects one’s ability to have healthy, mutually satisfying relationships. Codependency often manifests itself in the form of enabling or controlling behaviour within the relationship. Roslyn Saunders’s Codependency Blog can provide insight into this phenomenon and how it can be managed with greater understanding. Am I Codependent? Take the Codependency Quiz and find out.
Is Your Attachment Style Fueling Codependency?
Take the Codependency Test Is Your Attachment Style Fueling Codependency? Hi I am Roslyn Saunders, Codependency Coach. Do you find yourself constantly seeking approval and validation from others? Do your relationships feel more like emotional rollercoasters than safe havens? If so, your attachment style might be playing a significant role
High-Functioning Codependency
Take the Codependency Test Hi I am Roslyn Saunders, Codependency Coach and Addiction Specialist. Today’s topic is High-Functioning Codependency: The Hidden Struggle of the “Strong” Ones. We often picture codependency as someone clinging to a dysfunctional relationship, unable to function independently. But what if I told you there’s a form of codependency
How to become less codependent
Take the Codependency Test A Journey to Self-Discovery and Freedom Are you tired of feeling lost and depleted in your relationships? Do you constantly prioritise others’ needs at the expense of your own? If so, you might be struggling with codependency. But there’s good news. You can learn how to
Codependent Relationship Help: Reclaim Your Life with Roslyn Saunders
Take the Codependency Test Are you trapped in a cycle of people-pleasing and self-neglect? Do your relationships leave you feeling drained and unfulfilled? If so, you might be struggling with codependency. But don’t lose hope. I’m Roslyn Saunders, a codependency recovery coach and counsellor, and I’m here to help you
How Do I Fix My Codependency
Take the Codependency Test A lot of people ask me, “Ros how do i fix my codependency”. As a codependency coach I get asked this question on a regular basis. Codependency. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot these days, and maybe you’ve even wondered if it applies