Codependency Blog
The Codependency Blog. Articles to help you understand Codependency. Codependency is a term increasingly used in psychology and mental health circles to describe an emotional and behavioural condition that affects one’s ability to have healthy, mutually satisfying relationships. Codependency often manifests itself in the form of enabling or controlling behaviour within the relationship. Roslyn Saunders’s Codependency Blog can provide insight into this phenomenon and how it can be managed with greater understanding. Am I Codependent? Take the Codependency Quiz and find out.
How to manage Christmas with family
Best tips for how to manage Christmas with family: What you can do to survive? How to manage Christmas with family. As the end of year approaches, people often ask me how to manage Christmas with family. They want to know if there’s a way to get prepared for Christmas
Recovery Coach
Info for those seeking a coach for the road to recovery Recovery Coach. BOOK A FREE Recovery Coach COACHING CALL TODAY…..Immediate help available. A coach for recovery is an expert in helping people overcome addiction and related issues. They can provide support and guidance during the recovery process, and can help
Finding Gold in Silver
Originally published in “Positioned For Purpose Magazine” Finding Gold in Silver By Roslyn Saunders A truism often forgotten in the midst of life’s darkest moments is the one which reminds us there is a silver lining to every cloud. There is no doubt in my mind this is true.
What is Codependency Coach?
What is a Co-dependency Coach? Hi, I’m Roslyn Saunders. I’m a codependency recovery coach. A question I’m asked a lot is what is a codependency coach? Before answering the question, it’s important to first understand what codependency is. Codependency is relationship addiction in any area of life. It occurs because