Codependency Blog
The Codependency Blog. Articles to help you understand Codependency. Codependency is a term increasingly used in psychology and mental health circles to describe an emotional and behavioural condition that affects one’s ability to have healthy, mutually satisfying relationships. Codependency often manifests itself in the form of enabling or controlling behaviour within the relationship. Roslyn Saunders’s Codependency Blog can provide insight into this phenomenon and how it can be managed with greater understanding. Am I Codependent? Take the Codependency Quiz and find out.
What is codependency recovery coaching
Take the Codependency Quiz Hi everyone, it’s Roslyn, the Codependency Recovery Coach. I often get asked, ‘What do you do, Ross? How does this coaching thing work? How do you help people overcome their codependency, maintain their recovery, and enjoy their lives more?’ So, I thought I’d come on and
Our triggers are to show us where we are not living ourselves
Take the Codependency Quiz Hi everyone, it’s Roslyn, your Codependency recovery specialist here. Today’s topic is triggers, which are here to show us where we don’t love ourselves. What has prompted this is that I’ve had a few triggers myself in the last few days. So, what I mean by
People’s words can only offend you to the degree that you believe them
Take the Codependency Quiz Hello everyone, it’s Roslyn, your codependency recovery coach. Today’s topic is how other people’s words can only offend you to the degree that you believe them. We all know what it’s like when someone attacks us or when we feel hurt by something someone said. What
Codependency – Recognise Respond Reframe Release Retrain
Take the Codependency Quiz Hello, everyone. I’m Roslyn, your specialist in codependency recovery. Today, our focus is on the five “Rs” – a strategy for handling challenging situations as we embark on this journey. As we delve into this work, you’ll discover that these situations present themselves to offer opportunities
My Self Care Regimen
Take the Codependency Quiz Now Hello, this is Roslyn, your codependency recovery specialist. Today, it’s Saturday, the 7th of October, and I find myself at NSA, which is approximately an hour and a half away from Brisbane, where I reside. The purpose of my visit today is to engage in