Codependency Blog
The Codependency Blog. Articles to help you understand Codependency. Codependency is a term increasingly used in psychology and mental health circles to describe an emotional and behavioural condition that affects one’s ability to have healthy, mutually satisfying relationships. Codependency often manifests itself in the form of enabling or controlling behaviour within the relationship. Roslyn Saunders’s Codependency Blog can provide insight into this phenomenon and how it can be managed with greater understanding. Am I Codependent? Take the Codependency Quiz and find out.
Climbing Out of the Trenches: Understanding the Struggle Through Experience
Take the Codependency Test Take the Codependency Test Hi everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. Climbing Out of the Trenches: Understanding the Struggle Through Experience The road to overcoming challenges is rarely straightforward or easy to explain. Often, it’s a journey that can only
The High Cost of Addiction: A Mother’s Struggle and Resilience
Take the Codependency Test Take the Codependency Test Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. The High Cost of Addiction: A Mother’s Struggle and Resilience Addiction takes a devastating toll on families, leaving lasting scars on loved ones. In this poignant account, as a mother I reflect on the immense
Surrender until you know
Take the Codependency Test Take the Codependency Test Hi everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. I wanted to share a little story. About 25 or 30 years ago, I bought a book. It was blue and grey, I remember it, though I haven’t got it
Life will present you with the situations and circumstances where you are not FREE
Take the Codependency Test Take the Codependency Test Hi everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. Today I’d like to talk about how perfect the universe is for your evolution. We’re here to evolve and grow. We’re either creating or disintegrating; we’re never standing still.
I still have lessons to learn in this situation
Take the Codependency Test Take the Codependency Test Hi everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. This morning I’d like to talk about how people will say, if they’re in a difficult situation, whether it be personally, professionally, with family, or with friends, that they