Hi everyone, it’s Roslyn, your codependency specialist here again. Welcome, and thank you for tuning in; I appreciate that.
Today’s topic is baby steps, or another way I like to put it (as I was just sharing with a client this morning), is looking at increasing or changing 1% every day.
Can you imagine if you did 1% every day, getting a little bit better and a little bit better? That’s 350% in a year.
Now, if you’re like me, I was looking for the big changes, so I’d be going up and down, up and down, and the big fantasies and changes would drive the nightmares, and I’d go back into depression again.
So, what I like to do now, and with my clients, is to see it as a journey. Codependency recovery is a journey of self-discovery, a journey of self-love, a journey of self-preservation, and 1% every day, building that emotional muscle.
This is a journey working from the inside out, not the outside in. So, what I wanted to talk about today is about 1% daily. If we can just increase 1% daily and do little things, building blocks to your emotional sobriety, to have more enjoyment in your life, more fun in your life, more fulfillment in your life, building the blocks. Don’t do what I used to do: look for the big fantasies and go chasing after them, then there would be the big falls.
Now, I like to live my life more balanced, and there’s so much more juice in that. I was scared of slowing down because I thought there wouldn’t be any juice in it. Let me tell you, there’s so much more juice, and we can actually be in it to enjoy it. So, I hope that helps today—baby steps and 1% daily is 350% over a year, sustainable. We’re looking for sustainability.