Hi everyone, it’s Roslyn, the codependency recovery coach and counselor. So today’s topic is, can you calculate what the financial cost of codependency is? There are many more costs to our physical, emotional, and lifestyles. However, today I want to focus on the financial cost. I know for me, it cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars. Actually, all of my money went to feeding my codependency in various ways. As I’ve gone through recovery and started recovering from it, I can look back and see that all of my hard-earned money, which my work addiction fed into, was actually spent on things that enabled my codependency.
Can you calculate how many days you’ve lost due to your codependency, whether it’s related to a person, place, or thing? All of my money went to it. I now see where all the hard work I was doing was feeding that codependency in one form or another.
So, can you calculate how many days you’ve felt unable to go to work because you can’t get out of bed or you’re sick? Remember, codependency suppresses our immune system as well, making us more susceptible to autoimmune diseases or even catching the flu. Can you calculate how much time you’ve taken off work? Maybe you didn’t get paid for it at times if you’ve used up your sick leave. Or perhaps you’ve lost a job because you weren’t performing efficiently due to your distracted mind and inability to focus, as your mind was preoccupied with codependency-related issues.
All these consequences are a result of an unmanageable life, which, in my case, was primarily driven by my codependency. All these things become prevalent when we’re trapped in codependency.
How much money have you spent? In my case, it was on drugs, therapies, and various things aimed at making me feel better, though they didn’t work in the long term. I was constantly seeking a quick fix. I became addicted to personal development courses, often spending $5,000 on a weekend seminar, thinking it would be a quick solution. But it only allowed me to avoid looking beneath the surface and making necessary changes.
How much money have you spent on poor, ill-informed choices? I know, for me, nine years ago, I lost all my money. I even had to sell my beloved convertible car that I had owned for five years. Looking back, I see that it was still my codependency dictating my actions and giving away too much of my power to someone else who I thought was more educated in this area. They might have been, but I failed to recognize the underlying issues.
If you don’t start addressing these issues, life events will force you to confront them, whether through sickness, loss of money, or loss of relationships. Sometimes, it happens when you’re at rock bottom. So, if you don’t start looking into these matters, seeking help, and working on managing your life, emotions, and letting go of harmful dependencies, you’ll eventually pay a steep price.
I know that I’ve spent at least hundreds of thousands, if not thousands of thousands of dollars. So, what I want to convey is that as we start reorganizing our lives – examining every aspect, as detailed in my book with separate chapters for each area – we can identify where codependency is playing out. We can then make manageable adjustments to step away from our codependency addiction.
This journey does come with costs, and you might think you can’t afford a coach or help. However, not addressing codependency is costing you thousands and thousands of dollars anyway. I hope this helps today. Feel free to give me a call if you’d like to have a chat about where you’re at. I may be able to provide insights or suggestions based on your situation. Thank you, and I’ll talk to you soon. Goodbye.