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Is it ok to have fun?

Hi everyone, it’s Roslyn Saunders, your recovery coach here. So, welcome to the insights and updates for tips on removing and getting beyond codependency. It’s a privilege to have you in my tribe, in my community. Today, I picked this from page 87 of my book “Recovery from Codependency” – it’s okay to have fun now. Why I bring this up is because I have clients coming to me, and when I ask them about their lives and what they’re doing for fun, a lot of times they’ll say, “What’s that?” They’ve got so low. I remember myself being exactly the same, and I love fun, you know, but even I wasn’t having any fun or joy in my life.

We know that when we’re in that state, when we’re in that childlike state – not childish, there’s a difference there – the childlike state, we heal, we’re nicer to be around, we’re open to more ideas and things from the universe. So, my question I’m posing to you today is, where in your life are you integrating more fun? One of my clients wrote out in a big square and put it on the fridge, “It’s okay to have fun,” just to start allowing herself to have fun, and she keeps that word “fun” high in her consciousness. You can make anything fun; you can even have serious fun. It might be a serious topic, but lift it up so that it’s not a lower frequency.

So, where in your life are you having fun? People love to be around others that are fun, not silly fun, but uplifting and fun. They draw people, you know, you’ve seen them in the room where they walk in and they’re fine, and people are drawn to that frequency. So, please ask yourself, “Where in my life am I having fun?” If you’re not, if you say, “There’s nowhere, and I feel miserable all the time, and I don’t have any fun in my life,” which is what people say to me, then how are you going to start integrating things and start bringing bite-sized fun times into your life? You can do it consciously, and that’s what I’d like to pose today. If you feel miserable and feel like life’s a drudgery and you just feel like it just goes from one day to the next and there’s never any fun, there’s never any joy, reach out to me on my website and let’s have a chat, because I can promise you can start integrating it. Don’t go to the people that you surround yourself with in your normal lifestyle, because often probably none of them have any fun either. I’m just saying, don’t go there for counsel on it because they’re probably not having fun. Get someone and start to step out and start to make the changes by taking action, by applying these ideas in this book to recover from codependency and get beyond it.

So, please reach out to me. I can make good suggestions, and also, as I always say, recovery can’t be done alone. I’m sorry, I got that wrong because recovery needs to be done alone, so we need to do it for ourselves, but it can’t be done alone. Not in the history of addiction has anybody got through and done it on their own. I don’t want to do things on my own. I like support. I like going to people that if I’m in a lower space, I can go to them, and they can give me good counsel. That’s also in the book, it’s about getting your circle of scaffolding, so that’s another topic for another day.

So, where in your life are you having fun? And if you’re not, start to make a plan to integrate little bits. You’ll feel better. Also, when we’ve done these things, we come back, our perception of our situations changes because we’ve changed our frequency. So, I hope that helps today, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.