Book a Free Codependency coaching CALL - Get Help today

Experience is the best teacher, as they say. But what if you could have an experienced companion to show you how to navigate through life’s obstacles and challenges? That’s where a Sober Coach in Brisbane Australia comes in.

For those who are struggling with sobriety or addiction, having someone who can provide support and guidance during this difficult period of their lives can be invaluable. A sober coach provides personalised assistance that helps people make lasting changes and build strong foundations for recovery.

A sober coach, also known as a recovery coach, is a professional who provides support and guidance to individuals who are in the early stages of recovery from addiction or alcoholism. Sober coaches are often people who have achieved long-term sobriety themselves and have undergone specialised training to help others in recovery.

The early stages of recovery can be particularly challenging for individuals as they navigate the often difficult transition from addiction to sobriety. There is a heightened risk of relapse during this time, and having the support and guidance of a sober coach can be crucial in helping individuals stay on track.

Sober coaches provide a range of services, including one-on-one coaching sessions, accountability and monitoring, and assistance with developing and maintaining healthy habits and coping strategies. They may also offer guidance on navigating social situations, managing cravings and triggers, and developing a strong support network. Ultimately, their goal is to help individuals build a solid foundation for long-term recovery and achieve lasting sobriety.

Having a dedicated professional by your side throughout your journey towards sobriety can empower you to take hold of your own destiny and find resilience within yourself.

Hello, my name is Roslyn Saunders, I am a Codependency Recovery Coach. I service clients seeking sobriety and those looking for a sober coach. Codependency can be a major obstacle to recovery from alcoholism, as it can prevent an alcoholic from taking responsibility for their own actions and seeking help for their addiction. It can also be a barrier to seeking help for their own issues and developing healthy coping strategies. Codependency and addiction go hand in hand. This is why a sober coach who focuses on recovery can be invaluable.

If you are wondering if you are codependent, take my free codependency quiz today. 

Benefits Of Using A Sober Coach In Brisbane, Australia

The journey to sobriety is often a difficult one, requiring courage and resilience. It can be hard to take the first step alone – that’s why many people in Brisbane turn to sober coaches for help and support. A sober coach offers invaluable benefits, providing an experienced guide through the process of recovery and life beyond addiction.

Sober coaches are much more than just mentors: by forming strong bonds with clients based on trust and compassion, they become trusted confidantes who can offer emotional support throughout the entire process of recovery. With this type of support system in place, individuals struggling with addiction have someone reliable by their side as they face challenges along the path ahead – something that could prove essential for success in long-term sobriety.

As a sober coach in Brisbane, Australia I can be a life-changing resource for those struggling with addiction. I provide guidance and support to help individuals break free from their addictions and restore order to their lives. It’s like having a guardian angel, helping when times get tough and providing a safe harbour during stormy seas.

As a sober coach, I provide tools to navigate life without relying on drugs or alcohol. My coaching involves offering advice on how to stay focused on sobriety goals, manage stress triggers, deal with cravings, and create healthy habits that will keep your recovery journey afloat. In addition, I listen and provide emotional support, which helps make the road ahead less daunting.

Having someone by your side while facing the harsh reality of addiction is invaluable. As a sober coach in Brisbane, I offer hope and insight into living a better life that doesn’t involve substance abuse. I’m sure if you take advantage of this amazing opportunity, it won’t be long before you’re standing tall again – strong enough to brave any waves that come your way! Book a free sober coaching discovery call today.

Sober Coaching

The concept of sober coaching is becoming increasingly popular in recent years. Sober coaching provides an alternative approach to sobriety and helps individuals who are trying to break free from addiction or substance abuse issues.

Sober coaching has become a go-to solution for those struggling with addiction and dealing with alcohol or drug use disorder. It works by providing customised plans tailored to meet each individual’s needs through a combination of techniques. In addition, an effective sober coach will provide accountability measures to help ensure that clients stay on track with their goals and progress towards achieving sobriety.

What Is Sober Coaching?

Sober coaching is a form of therapeutic intervention that helps individuals struggling with substance abuse maintain sobriety. It involves the use of strategies, such as setting goals and developing action plans, in order to assist clients in achieving their recovery goals. Sober coaches provide support by helping individuals identify triggers for relapse and develop coping skills to manage them effectively. Additionally, they help motivate individuals by providing encouragement, accountability and guidance throughout the process of overcoming addiction.

The goal of sober coaching is not only to abstain from drugs and alcohol but also to foster lasting lifestyle changes that promote emotional well-being and quality of life beyond just refraining from substances. Ultimately, it is about learning how to live without relying on mood-altering chemicals as a means of managing difficult emotions or experiences. Through sober coaching, individuals learn how to respond productively when faced with challenges while building healthier habits that will last long after they’ve achieved sobriety.

Benefits Of Sober Coaching

The primary benefit of sober coaching is that it provides personalised support tailored to each individual’s specific needs.

A coach can:

  • provide invaluable insight into the recovery process
  • offer constructive advice on how to manage cravings
  • learn healthy coping skills
  • set achievable goals
  • create accountability
  • develop self-confidence

When needed a sober coach may also offer resources and connections that can help people access additional forms of treatment or support if needed.

Having an experienced guide by one’s side during times of difficulty can provide great comfort during the recovery journey. Sober coaches have specialised knowledge about addiction and recovery which equips them with tools to help navigate challenging situations without relapsing back into old patterns or behaviours.

Furthermore, having regular check-ins with a coach allows one to stay connected with their progress over time as well as celebrate successes along the way. Ultimately, working closely with a sober coach gives individuals greater control over their own lives while learning important lessons about resilience and hope for the future.

How To Find A Qualified Sober Coach

Seeking support in sobriety can be a serious step for those living with addictive behaviours. Securing the services of an experienced sober coach is essential to ensuring successful and lasting results.

As a Codependency Recovery Coach, I provide support to individuals who are seeking sobriety or need a sober coach. In cases of alcoholism, codependency can be a significant barrier to an individual’s ability to take responsibility for their actions and get the help they need. It can also create challenges for those who are trying to address their own issues and establish healthy coping strategies. This is where the specialised guidance of a sober coach can be invaluable. The majority of my clients are individuals who are seeking sobriety from a sober coach. Reach out to me today and book a free discovery call.

Different Types Of Sober Coaching

Similar to any profession, sober coaching comes in many shapes and sizes. Professional coaches provide guidance, support, and structure for individuals who are struggling with addiction recovery. From one-on-one personalised sessions to online counselling programs, there is an option that can fit almost anyone’s needs and lifestyle.

One type of coaching focuses on relapse prevention strategies by teaching the individual how to manage triggers or cravings associated with their addiction. This approach helps clients develop a plan for handling these situations without falling back into old habits.

Other types of sober coaching focus more on developing healthier lifestyles through nutrition education, physical activity, stress management techniques, and sleep hygiene practices. In addition, some coaches specialise in helping individuals identify underlying issues related to their addictions such as trauma or co-occurring mental health disorders.

As a sober coach, I encompass a holistic approach including all of the above strategies. You can review positive client feedback on my homepage.

TIP: No matter which sober coach you choose, it is beneficial to look for reviews from other individuals who have had successful experiences – this may help narrow down your search even further!

My Sober Coaching

My package includes access to me 24/7 for in between sessions via text message with a follow up phone call to prevent you from relapsing. 

  • Guidance on the next steps to take in challenging situations.

I am deeply committed to walking alongside my clients to help them recover in a manageable and sustainable way. Book a call with me today to discuss the level of support needed.

Often the hardest part of commencing the program is making the decision to proceed. This decision is hard because we wonder if it’s just another thing we’re grasping for to take away our pain.

Feedback from clients of my sober (sobriety) coaching

Here are some encouraging words from clients who have taken steps forward by investing in coaching.

“I have experienced firsthand Roslyn’s supportive response to “crisis” situations and her immediate action to ensure you feel validated, worthy and better able to manage the challenge you’re facing. This is followed by Roslyn walking with you hand in hand through the frightening journey of getting honest with yourself to answer questions like why is what’s happening come up in my life?”- K Hooper (Brisbane).

“I had been going to psychologists and psychiatrists for years…none of them helped me in the way she (Roslyn) did. Our one hour conversation was more than just saving my life and my health. Without her, I could not have gone on any longer. I was seriously close to taking my own life. It was only her understanding of what I was going through that prevented that.” – Christine (Melbourne).

You are worth it – Take the first steps to recovery

How do we put a price on our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being? It seems too hard. What’s easier to do is take one small step towards self-care – the most difficult lesson to learn.

How Sober Coaching Can Help You

The use of sober coaching is a powerful tool to help individuals overcome their addiction and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Research suggests that having a sober coach can significantly increase an individual’s chances of achieving lasting sobriety by reducing cravings and promoting accountability. A study conducted at Rutgers University found that individuals who received regular check-ins from a friend or family member experienced fewer episodes of relapse than those without such social support. Similarly, another survey revealed that most people reported feeling more accountable when working with a professional coach. It appears then that involving a third party in your recovery efforts can have substantial impacts on your overall success rate in maintaining abstinence over time.

In summary, sober coaching provides many unique advantages compared to traditional treatments alone – both physically and emotionally – making it an attractive option for anyone struggling with addiction issues. From providing customised strategies for overcoming obstacles along the way to creating meaningful connections, there is no doubt that engaging the services of a qualified professional could make all the difference in finding long-term sobriety. Book a free discovery call today.